KERG 877
Ecclesiology welcomes you in the course unit KERG877. We trust that this course will enrich
you, now for your growth in the Theology as science, but also in your service as pastor.
Whenever you experience difficulty in understanding a facet of the work, give immediate
attention to that problem. You are welcome to make an appointment with your lecturer
whenever you want to discuss something in private.
This course unit is one of four course units in Church Polity. The primary goal of the course
units is to equip students to be conversant with and have insight into the discipline of
Reformed Church Polity so that the church can be governed in a scientific and competent
Seminar 1 A - Orientation Article 1
That you know what a Church Order is​
-The relation between Scripture, Confession and Church Order.
-The origin, nature, necessity and purpose of the Church Order.
Sources to consult:
-Biesterveld, 1905: xviii-xxx
-Bouwman, 1928. I:324-327
-Coertzen, 1991: Chapter 5
-Du Plooy, 1988b
-Du Plooy, 1995
-Pont, 1981: 3-18
-Smit, 1983: Chapterke 2-4
-Smit, 1987:17-17
-Spoelstra, 1989:1-22
-Van der Linde, 1983: Chapter 1
Seminar 1 B - Church Order Articles 2-5
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
-The offices in the church (art2)
-Charisma and diakonia
-Origin, authority and the purpose of offices
-Extraordinary and particular offices
-Three or four offices
-he use of the word office according to the Church Order
-Admission to the office of minister of the Word and his relationship to the local church; calling and installation (ordaining) (articles 3 - 5)
-Necessity of calling, internally and externally
-Preparatoir and Peremtoir examinations
-"Konsulent" (relieving minister)
Sources to consult:
-Bouwman, 1928.1:328-366.
-Ridderbos, 1966: Chapter xi.
-Rossouw, 1988: 40-107.
-Calvyn, IV(3) , 10-16
-Bos, 1950:24
-Howell, 1991
-Nasionale Sinodes GKSA 1964 (art 50); 1967:52; 1970:122 e.v.
-Van der Linde. 1987:19-27
Seminar 2 A - Church Order Articles 6-9
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
(1) Minister in society (institutions, army etc) (art 6)
-Principles; connection with articles 3-5;
-Historical background
-In practice; chaplains.
(2) The bond with the local church; mission work (art 7)
-Historical background
-Mission work
(3) Admission without theological study; extraordinary gifts (art 8)
-Practical application
(4) Admission of ministers of the Word from other churches (art 9)
-The wording of the article
-Relation to articles 4, 5 and 8
-"Kanselruil" (interchange of the pulpit)
Sources to consult:
-Standard Commentaries
Seminar 2 B - Church Order Articles 10-15
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
(1) Normal loosening (art 10)
-Relation with previous articles
-Orderly loosening
(2) Provision (support) and dismissal (discharge) (art 11)
-Relation with article 10
-Principles with regard to fair and just provision
-Dismissal (discharge)
(3) Release from ministerial office (art 12)
-Enter upon a no ministerial (secular) vocation:(necessitas)
-Unilateral forsaking (resigning) of office
-The way back?
(4) Retirement of ministers
-Retirement in principle
(5) Temporary release (art 14)
(6) Admission in other (local) churches (art 15)
-Supervision and care upon pulpit
-Relation with previous articles
Sources to consult:
-Standard Commentaries
Seminar 3 A - Church Order Articles 16-17
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
(1) The office (art 16)
-Content of the office (duties)
-Together with elders: governing the church
(2) Equality (art 17)
-Historical background
-In practice
Sources to consult:
-Standard Commentaries
Seminar 3 B - Church Order Articles 18-21
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
The office (art 16)
-Content of the office (duties)
-Together with elders: governing the church
Equality (art 17)
-Historical background
-In practice
Professors (art 18)
-Three or four offices
-Historical development
-Task of professors
Students in theology (art 19)
-Responsibility of churches
-Financial aid and support
Theme: Church and school (article 21)
-Historical background
Sources to consult:
-Du Plooy, 1988: 17-20.
-Brochure about the Theological School (TSP-book).
-Other information about the theological school.
-Contractual agreement between GKSA and PU for CHE.
Seminar 4 A - Church Order Articles 22-23
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
-The office of the elders (art 23)
-Government and discipline
-Pastoral care
Sources to consult:
-Standard Commentaries
Seminar 4 B - Church Order Articles 24-27
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
(1) The office (art 25)
-Overview; Acts 6
-The task of the deacons
-Die deacons and the council of the church (consistory)
(2) Die deacons and secular institutions (art 26)
-Historical background
(3) The period of service of elders and deacons (article 27)
Sources to consult:
-Spoelstra, 1987:48-54
Seminar 5 A - Church Order Articles 28
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
Correspondence with the State government (art 28)
-Fundamentally: perspective from the Kingdom
-Belgian Confession: article 36
-Historical background
-Relation State-Church; Church-State
Sources to consult:
-Du Plooy, 1991b:104-126.
-Du Plooy, 1992:759-771
Seminar 5 B - Church Order Articles 29-30
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
Introduction to major assemblies (article 29)
-The principles and historical background
-Difficulties with regard to the essence, nature, authority, composition and structure
-Ecumenical synods
Sources to consult:
-Du Plooy, 1989
Other reading to consult:
-Bouwman, 1937
-Du Plooy, 1986: 32-49
-Du Plooy, 1990b:227-249
-Greijdanus, 1946
-Lohman & Rutgers, 1887
-Nel, 1990.
-Pont, 38(2&3).
-Spoelstra, 1990:353-377
Seminar 6 A - Church Order Articles 31-40
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
The agenda of ecclesiastical meetings/assemblies and appeal
-Agenda (art 30)
-Fundamental issues
-Historical background
-The concept ecclesiastical matters
Appeal (art 31)
-Concerning the authority of decisions
-The wording/formulation of the article
Opening and conclusion (art 32)
Composition (art 33)
-Credentials and instructions
Minutes/keeping record (art 34)
-Nature of the meeting
The office of the chairman (art 35)
-Christ is the real Chairman
-Relation with articles 31, 33-37
-Task/function of the chairman and the period of his office
Authority of ecclesiastical meetings (art 36)
-Christ - the only Head
-Administering His authority
The council of the church (elders) (articles 37-39)
-Principles; inter alia: the office goes before the church
-The composition of the council (Note the Belgian Conf. art 30)​
-The meeting of the congregation​
-Task of the classis​
-Aspects: Chairmanship; quorum, formation of a new church, dissolving of a congregation
Gathering of the deacons (art 40)
-Separate meeting
-Task of the minister of the Word
Sources to consult:
-Meijer, 1995
-Spoelstra,1986. 97-114
-Du Plooy,1988:469-485
Seminar 6 B - Church Polity Articles 41-52
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
The classis (art 41 – 44)
-Importance of the classis
-Advice (art 42)
-Censure (art 43; cf. also art 35)
-Visiting (art 44; cf also articles 30 and 41)
Administration and continuity (art 45)
-Calling and corresponding churches
-The archives of the churches
Agenda and decisions (art 46)
-Petition of protest
-The concept or expression: Ecclesiastical way
Other major assemblies (articles 47 - 52)
Deputies (article 49)
Sources to consult:
-Standard Commentaries
Seminar 7 A - Church Order Articles 53-55
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
The doctrine of the Church and the agreement with the Confession (articles 53 – 55)
-Positive binding and agreement with the doctrine
-Necessity and authority of the Confession
-Form of Subscription
-Quia and quatenus conflict
Sources to consult:
-Du Plooy, 1991a:71-95
Seminar 7 B - Church Order Articles 56-60
That you can discuss the sacrament of holy baptism under the following headings:
(articles 56 – 60)
Fundamentally aspects (art 56)
-Church Order en baptism
-Infant baptism
-General rule with regard to difficulties
Practical arrangements/stipulations (art 57 – 60)
-Task of minister of the Word (art 57)
-Forms; cf. history of the form for baptism (art 58)
-Adult baptism (art 59)
-Records – register
Sources to consult:
-Bavinck, 1929. Volume 3 chapter 7 en Volume4: chapter 10
-Bos, 1950: 206-214.
-Calvyn, Institusie IV, 15 en 16.
-D’Assonville 1981.
-Floor, 1983.
-Smit, 1984.
-Smit & Van der Walt, 1989:59-73 (compare other articles in this journal)
Seminar 8 A - Church Order Articles 61-64
That you are able to discuss the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper under the following headings :(articles 61 - 64)
-Admission and supervision (art 61 and 64)
-Relation: baptism – Lord's Supper
-Art 61: not church-centred but confessional determined
-Confession of faith
-Practical issues
The manner en frequency of administering the Lord's Supper (art 62–63)
-Essential and moderate issues
Sources to consult:
-Du Plooy, 1990a:143-162. (compare other articles in this journal)
Seminar 8 B - Church Order Articles 65-67
That you are able to discuss other ceremonies under the following points: (articles 65 - 70)
Funerals (art 65)
-Historical background (funeral oration en Roman Catholic traditions)
-Principles: family/ecclesiastical matter?
-Pastoral care
Days of humiliation and prayer (art 66)
-Background and meaning
-Principles (covenant)
Christian festal days (art 67)
Sources to consult:
-De Klerk,1950: 105-113
-De Klerk, 1966
-Bos, 1950:236 e.v.
-Grobler, 1991
Seminar 9 A - Church Order Articles 68-70
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
Explanation of the Heidelberg Catechism (art 68)
-Christian doctrine: essentiality and existence of the Confession
-Authority of the Confession
-Preaching the Heidelberg Catechism
Hymns (art 69)
-History of ecclesiastical hymns
-Scriptural data
-Psalms, rhymed versions of Biblical texts
Marriage (art 70)
-Scriptural data
-Solemnisation of marriage
-Juridical aspects according to the law
Sources to consult:
-Bos, 1950:245 e.v.
-Schulze, 1988:24-31
-Spoelstra, 1991:363-382
-Van der Walt, 1962
-Combrinck, 1985:131-151
Seminar 9 B - Church Order Articles 71-74
That you are able to have a discussion about church discipline (art 71)
-Essence of discipline
-Objectives en nature
-Subject and object
Private and public character of sins (art 72 – 74)
-Concept sin
-Matthew 18
-Distinguish between private and public sins
-Function of church council
Sources to consult:
-Bouwman, 1912
-Visser, 1978
-Visser, 1981
Other reading to consult:
-Jansen, 1913
-Plomp, 1969
-Putter, 1988
-Visser, 1986:25-35
Seminar 10 A - Church Order Articles 75-78
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles:
Ways of ecclesiastical reconciliation (art 75)
-Fruits of discipline
-Ways of reconciliation
Disciplinary suspension (art 76)
-Self discipline and disciplinary suspension
-Responsibility of church council
Excommunication and readmission (art 77-78)
-Three steps
-Readmission (reconciliation)
Sources to consult:
-Standard Commentaries
Seminar 10 B - Church Order Articles 79-81
That you are able to have a discussion about the following articles under the following points:
Discipline of office bearers (art 79 - 80)
-Distinction between members and office bearers
-Task of major assemblies
-Reinstatement to office?
-Sins worthy for totally deposition
Christian censure (art 81)
-Meaning and manner
Sources to consult:
-Standard Commentaries
Seminar 11 A - Church Order Articles 82-86
That you are able to discuss the following articles:
Testimonials (art 82 – 83)
-Historical data
-Testimonial for someone on tour
-Provision and support
-No lordship (domination) (art 84)
-History of article 84
-Foundation for mutual cooperation
-Relation to churches in foreign countries (art 85)
-Unity in ecumenical sense
-Mutual consensus (art 86)
-Essence and objective of the church order
Sources to consult:
-Standard Commentaries
Seminar 11 B - Conclusion
Church Order Articles 1-86
Sources to consult:
-Standard Commentaries